Genex Utility Management is proud to announce itself as the leader of distinguished Jupiter Group and Managing Director of Genex Utility Management Mr. Jeevan Raj was the flag bearer on behalf of Jupiter Chapter. It was a proud moment to carry the chapter flag in front of Founder & Chief Visionary of BNI Dr. Ivan Misner who is the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI.
Mr Jeevan Raj looks forward to spread awareness of waste water management to solve the core concern for today’s India. He tends to promote the necessity of water conservation in the country which goes arid during soaring summers and flooded to the top during submerging rainfall. With exemplar places like Orissa and Mangalore where drainage system and water preservation methods are excellent, Mr. Raj takes the initiative to establish the similar methods throughout Bangalore which is the booming IT hub in Karnataka.

BNI is composed to stretch its global footprint with an increased concentration on innovation and collaboration as it accepts a strategic investment. BNI greeted BNI MEMBERS from around the world to BANG2019. BANG2019 is India's Largest Members Day where all BNI members from across Bangalore's 59+ chapters, across India and worldwide, came under one roof to take part in the extraordinarily power-packed program and celebrate our Members Success Stories.
BNI Bangalore is the country's second-largest BNI City and most successful business networking organization. BNI Bangalore is now 12+ years old.

This year BANG2019 was held on 02 August, 2019. It was the largest BNI MEMBERS DAY AGAIN for the 4th consecutive time.
BNI Bangalore is the country's second largest BNI City and most successful business networking organization. BNI Bangalore is now 12+ years old.