The Genex Utility Services Private limited team is continuously working for the good cause by educating people and creating awareness on ‘Importance of trees in the Ecosystem.’ Environmental pollution is increasing day by day and trees are cut down, it has resulted in the tiny imbalance of the ecosystem. Due to deforestation thousands of animal and plant species are extinct and many are endangered. The deforestation has also resulted in climate change which disturbs the seasonal crop cultivation.
Strict measures should be taken to protect our environment along with educating people about the future impact on the ecosystem. The values of the trees and animals are more considered by the people residing in the rural areas than the people residing in the urban due to their busy life working with the technologies, so it is important to spread awareness of the values of animals and trees in the urban areas.
Genex and the team have taken this step as a part of an initiative to spread awareness on ‘Importance of trees in the Ecosystem’. The team has planted Guava saplings at Golflinks Embassy Business Park and RMZ Infinity and taken the responsibility of parenting these saplings further till it has reached maturity. The activity is just a little step about love and cares about the environment, and the activity will inspire others to think about the care of mother nature.