Naturally occurring water contains many dissolved solids in dilute forms which are usually various types of salts. These solids are known as TDS. Demineralization, also known as deionization, is a method that completely eliminates minerals salts from water through the ion exchange procedure. Both cation and anion are removed through this process which is also known as deionization. That is to say, it is a wastewater treatment process.
Ions found in water:
Positively-charged ions are known as Cations. These are generally metals:
- • Iron
- • Calcium
- • Magnesium
- • Copper
- • Sodium
- • Potassium
Negatively-charged ions are known as Anions. These are usually non-metals:
- • Chloride
- • Carbonate
- • Sulphate
- • Bicarbonate
- • Nitrate
High-purity water acquired through demineralization process primarily does not have any ionic pollutants. Thus, it is highly favored by many laboratories and industries for effortless processing of their units.
Demineralization Method
Demineralization Water Treatment is a physical process. Ion exchange resins are uniquely manufactured which help to replace the mineral salts in water. There are two kinds of resins – anion exchange and cation exchange resins. The former resins release hydroxyl ions which are generally negatively charged ions. The cation resins emit hydrogen ions which are consistently positively charged ions.
There are two kinds of demineralization or deionization processes:
Two-Bed Demineralization
With reference to the name, this is a process with two vessels – one with a cation resin and the other with anion resin. First, water passes through a cation exchanger. Every cation gets exchanged with equivalent hydrogen ions. This keeps the water electrically balanced. Water leaving the cation then passes through an anion exchange. The exact principle is applied here and anions are exchanged with hydroxyl ions.
Mixed-Bed Demineralization
Here, instead of two different vessels, the cation and anion resins are mixed in a single pressure vessel. This process is certainly held to be more systematic than the two-bed plants but the resurrection process involved here is more complex. The mixed-bed plants result in higher quality water than the two-bed plants. However, they are normally used when upper level of treatment is required. After the two-bed demineralization treatment, water is further purified by the mixed-bed process.
Demineralization is a wastewater treatment process which cleanses water at exact levels of distilled water. It is a quick process that does not require scale build up. Various principles are ensued in the demineralization process – ion-exchange, degasification, and polishing.
When it comes to water purification, the ion-exchange process is quick and reversible. And one of the proven processes to treat water is the demineralization technology. The constituents used in each process may change depending on the composition of the water which is to be treated.
Demineralization water treatment process has huge application in the fields of textiles, chemicals; boilers feed water, hospitals, swimming pools, pharmaceutical industries, as well as automobile segment.